Airbag and seatbelt failures are a commonly known defect in vehicles, causing death and serious injury on a widescale. But there is a lesser known danger that the auto industry has done very little to address – seat back failures.
In rear end collisions, the driver and passenger seatbacks play a critical role, protecting both front and rear passengers alike. Weak or defectively manufactured seatbacks can collapse when a vehicle is rear-ended, thrusting the front passengers backward and into rear seats, or worse, into rear occupants. Seatback failures can result in an array of injuries, including:
Fractures and broken bones
Head and facial injuries
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
Back and neck injuries
Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
Wrongful death
In a 2016 investigation by CBS News, it was reported that seat back safety standards are extremely low, and in fact, have not been updated since 1967. At the time of enactment, the standard was so low that even a banquet chair qualified as compliant.
At MLG, we have the knowledge and experience to handle complex seatback failure cases. If you or a loved one have been injured by a defective seatback, contact us for a free consultation. Our team of vehicle defect attorneys will immediately review your matter and let you know if you are entitled to compensation.
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MLG has a unique understanding of the inner workings of the automotive industry, and how the industry-specific laws impact both commerce and conflict. We have extensive knowledge of the federal recall system, and specifically how to hold manufacturers responsible for their defective vehicles. We use this knowledge to litigate cases against billion-dollar companies, forcing them to stand behind their products and be accountable for the damage they cause.